Day 1: Introduction and Setup

Day 1: Introduction and Setup

Learning Python in 15 days is an ambitious goal, especially for absolute beginners, but it's possible to cover the basics and get a good foundation

  • Introduction to Python and its applications.

  • Installing Python on your computer (Python 3 is recommended).

  • Setting up a development environment (e.g., IDLE, Visual Studio Code, or Jupyter Notebook).

  • Writing and running your first Python program (Hello, World!).

1. Introduction to Python:

  • Start your Python learning journey by understanding what Python is and its applications in various fields such as web development, data science, and automation.

  • Explore some real-world examples of Python in action, from building websites to analyzing data.

2. Installing Python:

  • Install Python 3 on your computer. You can download it from the official Python website ( Follow the installation instructions for your specific operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

3. Setting Up a Development Environment:

  • Choose a development environment that suits your preferences. Options include IDLE (comes with Python installation), Visual Studio Code, or Jupyter Notebook.

  • Install and set up your chosen development environment. You'll use this environment to write and run Python code.

4. Hello, World!:

  • Dive right into Python by writing your first program. Open your development environment and create a new Python script.

  • Write a simple "Hello, World!" program and run it. This classic introductory program displays a message on the screen.

Next Post Topics:

  • Python Syntax

  • Python Comments

  • Python Variables

  • Python Data Types

  • Python Numbers